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Orcas Island Washington

Description: Orcas Island is know for being the hilliest of the San Juan Islands.  The center of that is Mt. Constitution that rises 2500' straight from the sea and the mountain biking trails cover most of that elevation.  There are only a handful of trails, but those trails deliver endless fun.  The main trail with more natural trail flow is the North Trail, take this and the Little Summit Trail on a ride with great flow, few obstacles,  and endlessly green landscape.  The other recommended trails are Cold Spring and the Powerline trail, Coldsprings is a hiking trail with some tight switchbacks with a potential short hike bailout to the lower flow section of the Powerline trail.  The Powerline trail is a comingled downhill and free-ride line with gap jumps and drops galore, but everything has a ride-around and there are enough features of different sizes to keep anyone who enjoys air smiling. Since Marcy grew up here, we have the opportunity to go back frequently.  Also, don't miss the cliff jumping and rope swing if you can hit it on a warm enough weekend. 

Marcy catching some air

Fun angle with the rope swing

Little summit trail

Around Mountain Lake

Stories by Scott Heinz ( Medical Moose Labs)

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