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Tahoe - Flume Trail Environs


Description: On our trip to Yosemite we decided to stop in Tahoe to get a ride in.  In our short bit of research, the googs was telling us that the Flume trail was the top trail in North Tahoe - so off we went.  Looking for a longer ride, we opted to pedal from the Flume Trail Bike shop in lieu of shuttling. The initial climb was mostly a sandy old road - The Flume trail did not disappoint with spectacular views of the lake.  The trail is a very easy and gentle ride so we also went in search of some downhill. First we made a loop by adding Herland peak which made for a really fun descent.  Not wanting to ride the sandy forest back to the shop, we rode back along the Flume trail to the Chimney Beach trail , which for a "black" felt easier than the Herlan descent, although still great fun.  The last 4 miles were slowly pedaling along the main road back to the shop. 




Stories by Scott Heinz ( Medical Moose Labs)

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